Saturday, September 27, 2008

Shamless solicitation for care packages

Some of you have asked about sending me care packages. Specifically, you've asked what I want. Well, there are two things I clearly lack here:

  • real, grade A dark amber maple syrup
  • spices

I will always be happy to receive either of those things, except if you buy spices in a supermarket. Supermarket spices are way too expensive. Don't buy me supermarket spices. Unfortunately, I can't easily tell you a good place to buy good spices at a good price, but I know they exist. For example, I think there's a store called "World Cost Plus Markets" or something like that exists in certain cities and sells many exotic foods cheaply… you can, for example, buy half a pound of curry powder for 88 cents or something ridiculous like that. And Costco might have some good offerings. And Emmanuelle (or anyone else living in a city), I know you can go to an outdoor farmer's market and get spices cheaply there.

I don't think [dark] chocolate will survive the trip, but somebody should probably try just to make sure ;-). And things like gummy candy travel just fine. Or if you have a book you think I should read or a movie you think I'd like, sure, send it on over! I also have way too few photos, especially of family. Beyond that… I dunno. Make something up. Write "hello" on the back of a receipt. I'll still smile. :-D

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Co-ops! Are great places to buy bulk spices...but I wonder whether bulk would make it past customs?

(Yes, this is way late as a comment...somehow I lost the blog address until today, so am having a lovely time catching up on your excitement and prose as I procrastinate my end-of-term processes.)